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Welcome to Termitedoc Pest Control !
Termitedoc Pest Control is a Newcastle and Hunter region based pest control business mainly focused
on providing professional and accredited termite inspections,
termite treatments and general pest services for your home.
Whilst we specialise in termite inspections and active termite treatments,
we also provide solutions to the general pest problems you may be having in your home,
including spiders, cockroaches, ants, rats, mice, fleas, bees/wasps,
bird mites and even the remarkable bedbug.
Call 0439 11 11 33 for professional advice
Email admin@termitedoc.com.au

Just some of the areas we service
Newcastle Region, Lake Macquarie Region, Cardiff, Maitland, Thornton, Belmont,
Raymond Terrace, Warners Bay, Glendale, Boolaroo, Cessnock, Kurri Kurri,
Aberdare, Abermain, Abernethy, Allandale, Anambah, Anna Bay, Arcadia Vale, Argenton,
Ashtonfield, Awaba, Balcolyn, Balmoral, Bar Beach, Barnsley, Belford, Bellbird, Bennetts Green
Eleebana, Wallsend, Aberglasslyn, Rutherford, Charlestown, Adamstown, Bolwarra,
Beresfield, Birmingham Gardens, Bishops Bridge, Blackalls Park, Black Hill, Blacksmiths,
Boat Harbour, Bobs Farm, Bolton Point, Bolwarra, Bonnells Bay, Brandy Hill, Branxton
Brightwaters, Broadmeadow, Broke, Brunkerville, Buttaba, Butterwick, Booragul, Campvale,
Cameron Park, Cardiff South, Cardiff North, Coal Point, Cams Wharf, Carey Bay,
Carrington, Catherine Hill Bay, Caves Beach, Charlestown, Cliftleigh, Cooks Hill, Cooranbong
Corlette, Croudace Bay, Dalwood, Dora Creek, Duckenfield, Dudley, Edgeworth,
Eleebana, Elermore Vale, Ellalong, Elrington, Eraring, Farley, Fassifern, Fennell Bay,
Fern Bay, Ferodale, Fishing Point, Fletcher, Floraville, Freemans Waterhole, Fullerton Cove
Garden Suburb, Gateshead, Georgetown, Gillieston Heights, Glendale, Greta,
Hamilton, Heatherbrae, Heddon Greta, Hexham, Highfields, Hillsborough, Hinton,
Holmesville, Horseshoe Bend, Islington, Jesmond, Jewells, Kahibah, Kearsley
Keinbah, Kilaben Bay, Killingworth, Kitchener, Kotara, Kurri Kurri, Lakelands, Lambton, Largs,
Leconfield, Lemon Tree Passage, Lochinvar, Lorn, Louth Park, Lovedale, Loxford,
Luskintyre, Macquaire Hills, Maitland, Maitland Vale, Mallabula, Marks Point
Marmong Point, Maryland, Maryville, Mayfield, Medowie, Melville, Merewether,
Metford, Millers Forest, Mindaribba, Minmi, Mirrabooka, Morisset, Morisset Park,
Morpeth, Mount Dee, Mount Hutton, Mount Vincent, Mulbring, Murrays Beach, Myuna Bay
Neath, Nelson Bay, Nelson Plains, Newcastle, New Lambton, North Rothbury, Nulkaba,
Oakhampton, One Mile, Osterley, Paxton, Pelaw Main, Pelican, Pelton, Phoenix Park,
Pinny Beach, Pitnacree, Pokolbin, Quorrobolong, Rankin Park, Rathmines, Raworth
Raymond Terrace, Redhead, Rosebrook, Rothbury, Rutherford, Ryhope,
Salamander Bay, Salt Ash, Sandgate, Seaham, Shoal Bay, Shortland, Silverwater,
Soldiers Point, Speers Point, Stanford Merthyr, Sunshine, Swansea
Tanilba Bay,Tarro, Telarah, Tenambit, Teralba, The Hill, The Junction, Thornton,
Tighes Hill, Tingara Heights, Tomago, Toronto, Valentine
Wakefield, Wallalong, Wallsend, Wangi Wangi, Warabrook, Waratah,
Warners Bay, Weston, West Wallsend, Whitebridge, Wickham,
Williamtown, Windale, Windella, Windermere Park, Woodberry,
Woodrising, Woodville, Yarrawonga Park and all areas between.

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