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DuPont™ Altriset®
Dupont Altriset Termiticide Profile
Eliminates termites from structures in less than three months (when used in accordance with the label)
Stops termites feeding within hours.
Mode of action like no other termite control product.
1. Non-repellent chemistry - termites will pass through Altriset treated soil without detecting it, allowing them to pick up a lethal dose.
2. Affects insect muscles (not the nervous system like other termiticides).
3. Affected termites increase their aggregation and mutual grooming, helping to spread Altriset to others until the entire colony becomes exposed.
Favourable environmental and toxicological profile.
-Unscheduled poison -No PPE required -Very low toxicity to non-target animals (mammals, birds, fish, earthworms, and honey bees).
With world-class performance and an unparalleled safety and environmental profile, Altriset is the solution the termite industry has been waiting for.
The Altriset® facts worth chewing over.
Eliminates termites from structures in 1-3 months.
Fast, effective results. Stops termites feeding within hours.
Excellent transfer properties for superior termite population control.
The Australian regulatory authorities have classed Altriset as an unscheduled poison.
No protective equipment (such as overalls, goggles and gloves) is required when mixing and applying altriset.
No specific first aid required if someone is accidentially exposed to Altriset.
Favourable environmental profile - as shown by low toxicity to people, pets, birds, fish and even earthworms and honey bees.
The first major innovation in termite technology for over 10 years.
Termitdoc Pest Control is accredited to use DuPont Altriset
Call now on 0439 11 11 33

Run rings around termites with DuPont™ Altriset®
You're probably thinking to yourself, "Why are termites attacking my much loved home and lifelong investment? Unfortunately you're not alone, termites target thousands and thousands of homes every year, causing over A$1 Billion worth of damage - damage most homeowners insurance doesn't cover. In fact, research shows termites attack around 1 in 4 of all Australian homes at some stage.
To understand why termites do so much damage, you need to understand how they work. Termites live to eat - recycling dead wood in our environment. From their huge underground nests, they can tunnel for up to 50m to find their 'food'. The problem is they don't care whether their food is in the middle of the bush or the middle of your suburb - so your house is definately on the menu.
Although termites are a big problem for you and your family, you can control them now and well into the future. Ther are many termite products on out there, but no other termite control product has the unique benefits of the new DuPont™ Altriset© termiticide.

Why DuPont™ Altriset®?
Theres no other termite product like DuPont™ Altriset® termiticide. It took scientists at DuPont™ over 10 years to create a termiticide that not only delivers highly effective termite control, but with its very low toxicity, it has a revolutionary safety and environmental profile.

Why DuPont™ Altriset®?
Theres no other termite product like DuPont™ Altriset® termiticide. It took scientists at DuPont™ over 10 years to create a termiticide that not only delivers highly effective termite control, but with its very low toxicity, it has a revolutionary safety and environmental profile.
Altriset® is deadly to termites. Altriset® works by targeting termite muscles. When termites come into contact with Altriset® their jaw muscles become paralysed so they cease feeding and stop damaging your house within hours. But they don't die straight away. The termites stay alive long enough to walk back to their nest to transfer Altriset® onto their mates. That means you don't just kill the termites that are lurking around your home, you can control the termites back to the nest, so they don't come back to scare you in the future. Altriset® eliminates termites from structures within 3 months and when applied to the soil around your home, continues to provide protection for years.
When deciding what product to use to treat termites, you may wonder what effects the product may have on your family, your pets and the environment. Well, Altriset® is the first and only liquid termiticide that has been classed as an unscheduled poison by the Australian regulatory authorities, which is something other products can't claim. As a result your pest manager doesn't have to wear protective equipment (such as overalls, goggles or gloves) when mixing and applying the product - so don't worry if they wander around your property in only short-sleeved shirts and sleeves. This great safety profile not only applies to people, Altriset® has very low toxicity to pets, birds, fish, earthworms and even honey bees, which means you can protect your home with minimal impact on the environment.

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